History in the making

Yesterday didn’t turn out how I expected. The planned long run was cut short as I realised the niggles I was experiencing in my hip were not going to fade, and were only likely to worsen if I continued on for the intended duration.

For a while, as I was debating the decision to abandon the run, numerous things passed through my mind; Was I quitting too readily? Should I carry on regardless? What would the impact be on my longer term training? What would I write in my next post given that I’d announced my intentions?

As I mulled over the options there was a realisation that whatever I chose to do, I would be writing the justification in my head after the fact. 

The things we tell ourselves about decisions we make and situations we find ourselves in are a retrofit history. Our truth is to a large extent what we choose it to be. 

Realising that enables you to leverage more control over how you feel, as you can choose to write from a positive perspective. It’s a bit like the power of visualisation but in reverse.

The hardest job we have is selling those ideas to ourselves, if we crack that we’re either onto a winner or maybe, just simply closer to delusion.

Sometimes what comes tomorrow is the best thing about today.


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