Who is Donovan Jones?

Donocan is smiling at the camera, wearing a white shirt with red and blue floral shapes on it.

Singer, writer, producer, quiet commentator, cerebral activist- with the emphasis most definitely falling on the cerebral side of things.

I’ve spent many years working my way along the journey of personal creativity.

This site is a manifestation of some of those discoveries and outputs for anyone to explore.

Listen to music, watch performances or sample some of my written creative output.

There is an open invitation for you to critique, agree or disagree, or even disapprove – the choice is yours. Feedback and comments are most definitely welcome.

Latest music

Here’s the first of the clips from last month’s Album Preview Party – Looking for a Way Out

What do you get when you are randomly teamed up with a couple of filmmakers and given 2 weeks to make a music video? No it’s not the set up to a joke. 
This June I entered the 2024 2 Weeks 2 Make It competition and got put together with Sasquatch Pictures (aka Dan Hole and Lauren Holberry). 
What appears below is the result of our collective efforts. 
Special thanks to the team of fabulous extras who gave up their time to appear in front of the camera, especially Dan and Callum who spent 2 hot days in Tuxes! 


Behind the scenes

When you have 7 days to storyboard, shoot and edit a music video for a charity event, this clip for “Party for One” is what you get. How many of you are still doing “Pilates on Zoom”?

Latest writing

An image of a funky dinosaur dancing 80's music, retro neon background

Feeling Triggered? Have you ever had a song trigger some kind of musical memory in your head? Something sounds familiar but yet different, sometimes the answer comes quickly, other times you are left scrabbling around in the musical detritus of your aging mind trying to grasp at an elusive thread of a shared melodic phrase […]

The Proposition Imagine you are an entrepreneur. You are considering creating a business which makes a new product that serves a highly useful purpose for consumers, everyone will want one. It is designed to look great and has a high price tag with the potential to make lots of money for investors. The Problem There […]

Donovan Jones performing live

How Do You Know What You Are Supposed to Do in Life? As someone who doesn’t believe in fate, predestination, or absolute free will, I don’t think there’s a ‘supposed to’ anything. As time passes, there’s only what you choose to do and what you’ve already done. This year has been significant for self-reflection (yes, […]

Time to concede, give in (but not give up). There is more stuff in the world than you can ever see, there are more things than you can ever do, there are more people than you can ever hope to meet. The world is limitless but your time money and energy never will be, and […]

2am comes around again and here I am on another mission to save my sanity, or maybe better this time, to save the world. Conversation over dinner last night turned to the subject of religion (maybe unsurprisingly for an atheistic household) and I posited how a lack of belief in god should be celebrated more; […]

It’s 2:36am. Clearly I’m not asleep, given these words are being typed into a laptop literally as I write. Fortunately it’s fairly unusual for me to be this awake in the middle of the night. When I am it’s often as a result of some caffeine intake later than is really sensible, but not that’s […]