What are you thinking?
You’re twisting my thoughts
Twisting my words
I’m beginning to wonder
If I can be heard
What are you doing?
Tell me if you know
We’re too close for comfort
We’re too close for comfort
What are we doing?
Here in this place,
The alarms are ringing
But there’s no escape
Where are we going?
Tell me if you know
Cos we’re too close for comfort
We’re too close for comfort
What are you doing?
Tell me if you know
Cos we’re too close for comfort
Too Close, too close!
How can I trust you?
How can I love you?
How can I be open with you?
Dare I trust you?
Dare I love you
When I don’t know who you are?
What are you doing?
Just tell me if you know
Cos it’s too close for comfort
It’s too close for comfort
It’s too close for comfort
It’s too close for comfort
Too Close, too close!