Writing (Blog)

We need to do something with our driveway. Yes I know I’ve completely captivated you with just that one sentence of domestic dilemmery, but bear with me. My good lady and I are not without some diy skills and are certainly not afraid to take up the challenge of something new either. It’s not beyond […]

How do we reconcile compromises in our principles for the sake of an easy life or maintaining relationships? Where should we draw the line and where should we rub bits out and redraw them to accommodate others? How many small incremental allowances does it take before the gap between who we intend to be and […]

It’s hard, always feeling like you’re chasing around trying to get everything on your list done.  Imagine how good it would feel to know you not only had everything in hand, but that you were actually a little bit ahead.  There is a positivity to being on top of the things you need to do, […]

I’ve been an inadvertent Apple user for some 6 years now. When I joined my current employer the phone they gave me was an iPhone 4. Fast approaching 40, I’d already established it was taking me longer to adapt to new user interfaces; the nuances of my previous HTC one Android phone hadn’t ever bedded […]

Every once in a while something comes along and hits us out of the blue. It could be the sudden death of a friend or loved one, losing a job, the threat of redundancy, or the breakup of a relationship. These events are difficult to navigate, even when they are visible in the distance and […]

The (Almost) Daily Donovan has reached its first milestone; a complete month’s worth of posts. It has managed to sustain the ‘Daily’ title (albeit not without some very late night activity), and has given me plenty to think about as I’ve gone along. Being a ‘keen on the numbers’ kinda guy I thought I’d pluck […]

I need to run today. More explicitly I need to run 10 miles, a distance I haven’t covered in over 6 months. It’s a little daunting but I’ve a made a plan (shocker!). The first part of the plan was deciding on the route. That may seem obvious, but these days thanks to activity trackers, […]

It can take a lifetime to gain a real appreciation of our place in this world. I think of it as a continual voyage towards enlightenment with every new experience. However the older I get the more I see instances where we are failing to provide the next generation with the tools they need to […]

I hate noise. I know… hate is a strong word and I don’t use it lightly, but I really do hate noise. Unnecessary noise – nails tapping on keyboards, blind cords dangling in the breeze of an open window. Someone eating or chewing gum with an open mouth, cuff links sliding back and forth across […]

I’m looking for a good cause, but not just any good cause, the one that will make the most difference based on values that I think matter. My approach to charity has been changing over the last few years. Previously I’ve raised money through sponsored physical challenges but as I posted on LinkedIn at the […]